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We care about the Environment

Hitachi Environment

Hitachi Astemo Americas Inc., is dedicated to protecting the earth, air and water around us, and we strive to ensure that we’re a good corporate neighbor. Many of our products reflect that conservationist ethic, aimed at preserving limited natural resources, improving fuel economy, and reducing pollution.

All of our manufacturing facilities maintain certified ISO 14001 environmental management systems. The purpose of these programs is to prevent pollution and to continuously improve our environmental performance within the community.

Highly efficient engines like Engine management systems are key to reducing CO2 emissions by automobiles. See more for our how our products reduce the environmental burden.

Hitachi Astemo Americas, Inc.,is a convenient and familiar means of transportation that are indispensable to various scenes in our daily lives, and their impact on the global environment is not small. Hitachi is now addressing measures to reduce the environmental burden caused by automobiles through the development of technologies for automotive products. We will realize car driving that is comfortable to both the earth and people.

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Eco-Factories & Offices Select Certification Item  Eco-Factories & Offices Select Certification Item

We are feeling proud to being part of get Eco-Factories & Offices Select Certification Criteria. Some of our production plant and offices are selected to have Eco friendly certificate.

Please see all of those Eco-Factories & Offices from Hitachi Astemo, Ltd global network.

Environmental Report 2017

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Hitachi Group Environmental Activities